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I currently use a beat up old Minolta manual SLR for film, and a Fujifilm Finepix J10 for my digital shots,

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A surprise...

So, Went out to the front of the jeep and THIS was caught in the grill.
must have happened yesterday....


  1. Damn. Make sure to give it a proper burial.

  2. So quickly such a complex machine is snuffed out, form something as arbitrary as being in the wrong part of space, at the wrong part of time. Lol, what a surprise though.


  3. D; Poor birdie.....At least it wasn't a Rabbit * Winks * xD

  4. poor birdy indded =(

    smoochies n' poopies though! :*

  5. Oh shit ;_; Not cool. Hope you bury it

  6. Bummer. Hope your jeep doesn't catch the bird flu!
    So wait, if you got back to your jeep, and it was stuck in your grill, it must of been some suicidal guy anyway.

  7. aww poor bird.. oh well my cat catches at least a couple of these things every few days, guess its cause of spring.. anyway survival of the fittest in action right there
    cya mate

  8. did you feel bad when you saw it? my wife cried when this happened

  9. Looks delicious, I love when I get birds in my grill.

  10. Ouch! Hopefully you didn't waste it and ate it for dinner.. ;)

  11. Ouch! Stuck in a jeep? Hilarious, hahaha. I mean...poor poor birdie. ;D

  12. update:
    the bird has been removed from the grill, I'm not sure how because I didn't do it, so either my mom took it out, or a cat/raccon/bear got to it... or it just fell off lol.

    it was jammed in there mighty tight.

  13. Un! lucky!
    Hahahahaha, I ran over a pigeon the other day. It went pop.
